6/26/07 - I'm soooooo sorry you guys!I lost my story boards and wasn't able to work
on the comics for months as a result. I'm sorry you guys though I had given up on the comics, but don't worry, if I ever
even consider doing that, I'll tell you! But now I've found them!!! And I've been able to start updating with new comics
again. I've just added the 24th comic, and I'm currently coloring the 25th comic. In honor of the 25th comic and the 7th book coming out,
I had a Death Eater Comic contest over at my deviantart account. I got a
ton of entrys, which you can now view in the gallery. They should tide you over until the next comic is up. ;)
1/3/07 - Happy New Year everyone!! My New Year's is to update the comic monthly. Let's
see if I can keep it. ;) In the meantime, please enjoy the amazing new fanart I got for Christmas! My friend Kendra surpised me
with a picture by Bettina (author of the manga "My Cat Loki") she had commisioned for me, thanks Kendra! :D
8/17/06 - Yay, new comic! And a new a piece of fanart to go with it, from
one of my Deviantart friends. It's quite funny. :) Oh, and the character page is up now! Hurrah! There's only three
characters there now, Voldemort, Snape, and Morgan, but more will be added soon.
7/30/06 - The gallery section has been updated
with a new gift art, and a fanfic in which Morgan is one of the characters. The comic
also has it's own LJ community now
so please join for updates, insider info, and to chat with other fans! Alos, please
visit the "sister" site for the comic, the official Stalking Snape site.
This site was my first webpage, and has tons of stuff dedicated to Severus Snape for all you devoted Snape fans.
4/13/06 - So here's the official comic
website, finally. As you can see it's still under construction,
but more will be added in the near future, like the character bios
(how cool is that?), and some awesome new stuff for the gallery.
Have fun everyone!